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The Art of Comics: Hart and Corman

At the annual comics conference at the University of Florida held earlier this spring, Stephanie Boluk spoke with two of the guest artists.

The Comics Code

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Stephanie Boluk Air Date 6/21/2007 Comics Code Authority Seal The Comics Code Transcript You may be surprised to learn that comics, not film, not TV, or even video games, have been subject to the strictest self-imposed censorship of any media industry. Between the 1930s and 1950s, comics — […]

Dylan Horrocks Comics

At our annual conference on comics at the University of Florida, Recess cartoonist Stephanie Boluk spoke with the artist Dylan Horrocks.

Brian Selznick and Hugo Cabret

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Susan Raab Air Date 4/24/2007 Brian Selznick and Hugo Cabret Transcript Earlier this spring, Susan Raab caught up with the artist Brian Selznick and talked with him about his latest picture book/graphic novel, The Invention of Hugo Cabret. This innovative work has been the talk of the children’s book […]

Two Yellow Kids

It’s a wonderful coincidence that one of the early practitioners of the comic strip, Richard Felton Outcault, should have been born on the same day, today, in 1863, on which The Simpsons animated television show would premiere, over a century later, in 1990.


Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Stephanie Boluk Air Date 11/30/2006 EduComics Transcript “It takes practice to learn to ignore the news.” This is what the apathetic father of a young girl trying to figure out the cause of global famine says when she asks him why people go hungry. Unsatisfied by this reply, […]

Superman Returns

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Stephanie Sullivan Lytle Air Date 6/27/2006 Superman Returns Transcript Born in the weary depths of the Great Depression, turned down by all but one comics publisher in the country, Superman hit newspaper strips and comics in 1938, becoming the first superhero with his own comic book by 1939. […]


Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Stephanie Boluk Air Date 6/15/2006 Bone Transcript Like many children, one of the things I enjoyed doing when I was young was inventing characters — and even more fun was creating the stories they inhabited. So what happens if you grow up and never stop dreaming up adventures […]

Cartoonist’s Day

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 5/9/2006 Cartoonist’s Day Transcript The funny line drawings that we today refer to as cartoons have been with us for probably as long as people have drawn on the walls and floors of caves or in the wet sand of beaches. The name actually […]

The Songs of the Pogo

Walt Kelly was one of the masters of American nonsense. His much loved, hilariously cryptic Pogo comic strip first appeared in 1949 and was in American papers even after Kelly’s death in 1973.