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Daruma Dolls for the New School Year

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 8/22/2005 Daruma Dolls Transcript One of the traditional, good luck charms in Japan is the Daruma Doll, the ancient roly poly doll that can’t be knocked over, no matter how far it is pushed. The idea of this original tumbler doll is said to […]

Camp Names

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Tanya Underwood Air Date 7/5/2007 Camp Names Transcript When they arrived in the United States, as we know, many immigrants shortened or changed their names. Sometimes this happened because of clerical errors or out of patriotism, but often it was because of a simple wish to start a […]

Caps and Gowns

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 6/8/2007 Caps and Gowns Transcript This month, you may well find yourself in the audience, watching a young person you know making that walk across the stage to receive a diploma — from college, high school, middle school, and even kindergarten. Your young scholar […]

A New Look at Jamestown

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 5/8/2007 A New Look at Jamestown Transcript It’s the 400th anniversary this month of the founding of Jamestown, the site of the first English-speaking presence to survive on the coast of the North American continent and eventually to expand inland. The establishment of this […]

The Little People

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Kevin Shortsleeve Air Date 3/15/2007 The Little People Transcript As we head towards St. Patrick’s Day and fanciful images of Leprechauns begin appearing in television commercials and on cocktail napkins, we might pause for a moment to remember the Little People. Whether you call them Leprechauns, Gnomes, Brownies, […]

Little One, the Earliest Child

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 1/23/2007 Little One, the Earliest Child Transcript The hair of the child is black and whispy, spiked, really, and her half moon of a mouth has broken into a smile that shows her few small teeth and that furrows her brow with crinkles that […]

Creation Myths

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Kevin Shortsleeve Air Date 12/27/2006 Creation Myths Transcript Inevitably, many children ask the question, “How did the world begin?” And so it is a basic rite of childhood, and a basic rite of enculturation, that children are often taught a traditional tale of where the earth, sky, men […]

John Adams Unbound

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 11/6/2006 Gilbert Stuart, John Adams, American, 1755 – 1828, c. 1800/1815, oil on canvas, Gift of Mrs. Robert Homans John Adams Unbound Transcript One of our nation’s Founding Fathers, Adams was the son of a colonial farmer who instilled in his son not only […]

Chicago Children’s Humanities Festival

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 10/23/2006 Chicago Children’s Humanities Festival Transcript For the next two weeks in Chicago, something extraordinary is happening: the Chicago Children’s Humanities Festival. From October 28th through November 12th, the city will be alive with cultural events for children and families — performances and exhibitions, […]

If the Shoe Fits

[siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Audio”][/siteorigin_widget] [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Image”][/siteorigin_widget] If the Shoe Fits Transcript I once heard an actor say that the first thing he determines when creating a character is his shoes. Once you’ve got the shoes, he said, you know his walk, his posture, what kind of clothes he wears, even his social class. If the shoes do […]