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Olee, Olee, Ocean Free

"Olee, Olee, Ocean Free!" Remember that magic cry when you ran to touch home at the end of a tag, at the end of recess? Well, in a way, that's what we're doing today. We're taking a recess from Recess! after eight years on the air and over 2000 programs. We won't be gone forever, though. Recess! will be taking different forms on our website, which will still be: And online in the future, we'll continue doing Recess-like programs that will provide reviews, commentaries, and information, as well as audio and video documentaries and multi-media exhibitions on subjects related to children's culture.

Caps and Gowns

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 6/8/2007 Caps and Gowns Transcript This month, you may well find yourself in the audience, watching a young person you know making that walk across the stage to receive a diploma — from college, high school, middle school, and even kindergarten. Your young scholar […]

Two One Thousand

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 4/30/2007 Two One Thousand Transcript If we were counting like we used to do for tag, today we would have reached that milestone: two one thousand — shows, that is. When we began producing Recess! seven years ago, we didn’t know if we would still be […]

Jane Goodall’s “Roots and Shoots”

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech (read by Fiona Barnes) Air Date 3/27/2007 Jane Goodall’s “Roots and Shoots” Transcript You could say that Jane Goodall’s great adventure began in 1936 when she was two years old, and her father gave her a stuffed animal — a chimpanzee named Jubilee after a real […]

Rally Jacksonville Author John Cech Air Date 12/4/2006 Rally Jacksonville Transcript As the Mayor of Jacksonville, Florida, John Peyton launched a pre-kindergarten literacy program that is remarkable in its scope, its accomplishments, and its support throughout the city. The program is called Rally Jacksonville, and it has quickly become a national model for how to bring […]

Kind News

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Seth Blazer Air Date 9/21/2006 Kind News Transcript “Why did the trash can go on a diet?” The answer: because “It wanted to reduce its waste!” This is just one of the many clever yet eco-friendly riddles that one might find in the award-winning publication Kind News. “What […]

Summer Camp

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Linda Stanley Air Date 7/26/2006 Summer Camp Transcript The lengthening days of summer bring with them a brief reprieve from normal routines for many parents and children alike. Every year in a time-honored tradition, little John and Sally pack their backpacks and head off for a week or […]

“Scrub Camp” – A Different Sense of Mastery

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Dave Reidy Air Date 6/29/2006 “Scrub Camp” – A Different Sense of Mastery Transcript In his essay “Boy Culture,” E. Anthony Rotundo cites examples of 19th-century boys tormenting woodchucks and maiming unoffending insects. Even urban boys would return to their city homes with trophies stuffed and mounted. Such […]

If One is Good, Two is Better

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Dave Reidy Air Date 6/13/2006 If One is Good, Two is Better Transcript Educators have long been able to prove that the earlier a child begins learning a second language, the more likely he or she is to achieve fluency in that language. The mind of a child […]

O’Brient Science Fair Projects

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 4/10/2006 O’Brient Science Fair Projects Transcript We’re heading for the home stretch of the school year, and it’s time to get really serious about those science fair projects. If you’re a student at the O’Brient High School for Math and Science in Boston, you’ve […]