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American Sunday School Movement

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Rita Smith Air Date 5/14/2003 American Sunday School Movement Transcript In May of 1824 in Philadelphia, The American Sunday School Union was established to serve as a clearinghouse for the many Sunday Schools which had sprung up throughout the northeast, and the Ohio Valley. It was an interdenominational […]

Children, Culture and Violence

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 3/18/2003 Children, Culture and Violence Transcript What do Children, Culture, and Violence have to do with each other, one might ask. Unfortunately, the answer is: everything. Just as violence is, alas, a factor in our everyday adult lives, every day, we find that violence […]

Prudence Crandall

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Rita Smith Air Date 9/3/2002 Prudence Crandall Transcript Prudence Crandall was a woman who possessed the ability to discern something coming to an end and the seeds of a new beginning. In 1831, the leading citizens of Plainfield, Connecticut, were overjoyed when Crandall, a young Quaker school teacher, […]

Graduation Presents

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech (read by Fiona Barnes) Air Date 6/7/2002 Graduation Presents Transcript With some middle school and high school graduations coming up, I’ve been thinking about appropriate presents. A decent fountain pen has gravitas. And you can’t go wrong with a nice new wallet with a couple of […]

The Read In!

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 5/16/2002 The Read In! Transcript In tight budget times like these, it’s become increasingly more difficult for schools and libraries to afford to bring children’s book authors to town for visits with their young readers. Enter the The Read In on the Internet — […]

Grossology and Other Scientific Phenomena

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Koren Stembridge Air Date 4/18/2002 Grossology and Other Scientific Phenomena Transcript Sylvia Branzei is one of a new generation of science authors and educators who are trying to connect with kids, and get them really interested in the world of science. Branzei has a method she calls “Grossology […]

“Mission Nutrition”

You’re hearing one of the actresses who belongs to the group that calls itself the Standard Deviants, discussing a point of nutritional information from one of the group’s PBS television programs, “Mission Nutrition.”

Another Gift for the Holidays

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 12/26/2001 Another Gift for the Holidays Transcript Along with its theme parks and sunny beaches, Florida is offering families across the nation something even more vital and important this year — an exemplary program for providing a comprehensive spectrum of information for parents, potential […]

National School Success Month

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Shelley Fraser Mickle Air Date 9/12/2001 National School Success Month Transcript This is National School Success Month, which you would think should come in May when awards are handed out. Certainly that’s what success usually means – receiving awards and certificates for being the best at something. And […]

Dictionary and Internet Homework Sites

With school starting again, that means the homework and the Internet questions are back, too. Here's Koren Stembridge pulling down a few answers for us from cyberspace.