First Day of School
School begins in many parts of the country this week, and this has Shelley Fraser Mickle remembering her first day of first grade.
Doing the Numbers: Some Books About Math
Author John Cech Air Date 4/26/2001 Doing the Numbers: Some Books About Math Transcript It’s Mathematics Education Month, and numbers are in the air. For those younger children, who are just beginning to wrap their minds around the concept of larger number groups and the differences between numbers on paper and numbers in reality, you […]
Astronomy Week
Author John Cech Air Date 4/23/2001 Astronomy Week Transcript Have you seen what’s been going on in the sky lately? Well, it’s actually been happening for probably tens of millions of years, but we’ve only been able to see it for the past few centuries, and, really, since 1990 when the Hubble Space Telescope was […]
New Science Books
Heather Tomasello has a few suggestions today about some new science books.
Learning Russian
Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 1/23/2001 Learning Russian Transcript One of our close friends is Russian, and she is raising her young child to speak that language first. Their son is a toddler — he’s just turned two — and everything in their house is now in Russian — […]
“Kids on the Move” Exhibition
Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 1/16/2001 “Kids on the Move” Exhibition Transcript Today we’re celebrating the day the clamp-on roller skate was patented — a truly important invention in the history of childhood because it gave kids another exhilarating way to sail through their young lives. Such energy is […]
Getting Out the Vote
Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Koren Stembridge Air Date 10/26/2000 Getting out the Vote Transcript These are important days, the final countdown to the first presidential election of the new millennium! Because I know that your New Millennium’s Resolution is to remember to participate fully in the democratic process, and because your children […]
The Jason Project
Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Koren Stembridge Air Date 10/6/2000 The Jason Project Transcript One rainy summer vacation afternoon my father attempted to cheer me up by promising a day-trip to the old city of St. Augustine, Florida. As the daughter of a writer, I was not surprised, but still chagrined, to find […]
BJ Pinchbeck
Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Lauren Bradway Air Date 9/11/2000 BJ Pinchbeck Transcript With the children back in school, and the assignments already piling up, one of the web sites that your youngsters might really want to log onto is B.J. Pinchbeck’s homework page. Here today is Dr. Lauren Bradway, a speech and […]
Maria Montessori
Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 8/31/2000 Maria Montessori Transcript It’s Maria Montessori’s birthday today. She was born in 1870 in Chiaravalle, Italy; and by the time she was 26, she had become that country’s first female physician. Her treatment of mentally retarded children led her to study psychology, and […]