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Manners for Boys

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Rita Smith Air Date 4/18/2000 Manners for Boys Transcript Boys and manners? It’s not as oxymoronic as it sounds, as Rita Smith informs us in her Rediscovery for today. It has always been important to pass on correct manners from one generation to the next. One of the […]

Space Sites

Here's Koren Stembridge with information about educational websites about space.


Here's Rita Smith, the curator of the Baldwin Collection of Children's Literature, to discuss historical manners instruction for children.

Anti-Smoking Sites

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Koren Stembridge Air Date 1/11/2000 Anti-Smoking Sites Transcript On January 11, 1964 Surgeon General Luther Terry released the first report on the harmful effects of cigarette smoking. Thirty-six years later, here are some of the basic facts: First–80% of all smokers become addicted to cigarettes before they turn […]

The Letter X

Rita Smith's Lost and Found essay today is about one of the hardest letters of the alphabet to make up anything about: the letter X.

Cool Internet Sites

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Koren Stembridge Air Date 11/22/1999 Cool Internet Sites Transcript Here come those cold, wet, winter Saturdays! Here come the cries of “I’m bored!”and “There’s nothing to do!” But take heart parents, and grandparents, friends and neighbors, because on days like these, the Internet is our friend! I know, […]

National Chemistry Week

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 11/8/1999 National Chemistry Week Transcript This is National Chemistry Week. My father was an inorganic, analytical chemist. “Inorganic” means metal, he tells me — and that’s what he worked with all of his adult life — those red-hot lines of alloys that ran through […]

School Lunch Week

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 10/13/1999 School Lunch Week Transcript It’s School Lunch Week and the kids on the playground aren’t singing about the joys of macaroni and cheese or yogurt and fruit, or even pizza with four toppings. When I asked them what they’d like for lunch — […]

My Bodyguard poster


Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 9/14/1999 Bullies Transcript On my way home from school every day in third grade, Paulie Sullivan beat me up. I fought him, but always lost. He was bigger than me — a burly fifth grader. I tried coming home a different way, but within […]