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Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech (read by Lauren Brosnihan) Air Date 2/3/2005 Chocolate Transcript If you thought that chocolate grew on trees, you’d be right. But not in the form of candy bars or foil-wrapped bon bons. Earlier this fall I visited a traveling exhibition about chocolate from the Field Museum […]

Chaat – The Delights of Indian Snack Food

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Malini Roy Air Date 9/15/2004 papdi chaat indian spice hand held salty and sweet Chaat – The Delights of Indian Snack Food Transcript For millions of children in the Indian subcontinent, closing-time at school heralds the arrival of a very special person-the chaatwala, with his handcart and colored […]

Kulfi – The Joys of Indian Ice Cream

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Malini Roy Air Date 8/11/2004 Kulfi – The Joys of Indian Ice Cream Transcript Imagine the parching heat of an Indian summer. The streets are nearly deserted except for a few stragglers, and idle shopkeepers stare grumpily into space. Amidst the flies and dust, you hear a musical […]

Peanut Butter and Jelly

Who put the jelly in a PB and J? Shelley Fraser Mickle is here today to tell us.


Shelley Fraser Mickle's remembering today is about that mainstay of every child's diet - the cookie - and how it crumbles.


Today, Shelley Fraser Mickle is bending her memory around pretzels.

Homer Price and Doughnut Day

That’s Homer Price’s Aunt Aggie, complaining about newfangled inventions like the doughnut machine that his Uncle Ulysses is tinkering with in the couple’s new little coffee shop on the village square in Centerberg, USA.

Noodle Month

It's National Noodle Month, and Shelley Fraser Mickle is singing the praises of pasta and all its twists and turns.

Don’t Cry Over Spilt Milk

Today, Shelley Fraser Mickle has some fresh ideas about spilt milk. 


Who would guess that there’s a story in cornflakes? Shelley Fraser Mickle has one for us today on this toasted American institution.