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Candy Culture

If you haven’t visited a full-service candy counter lately, you probably aren’t aware that old-fashioned things like lollipops or chocolate bars are simply passé.

Hot Dogs

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Shelley Fraser Mickle Air Date 7/25/2000 Hot Dogs Transcript I can’t remember the first time I ate a hot dog. But I can remember the first time a hot dog slipped out of its bun while I was eating it. I was five, and the mustard ruined my […]

Ice Cream

Shelley Fraser Mickle has a remembering for us today about that most summery of inventions: ice cream.


Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Shelley Fraser Mickle Air Date 1/7/2000 Oatmeal Transcript My whole life has been mixed up with oatmeal, and some of it I don’t even like to talk about. It started back when I was four. Of course before then I’m sure I’d had oatmeal. No doubt it had […]

National Homemade Bread Day

Today is National Homemade Bread Day, and Shelley Fraser Mickle has some thoughts about the subject that have stuck with her for a long time.