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Kids, Dogs, and Parenting

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Koren Stembridge Air Date 4/15/2004 Kids, Dogs, and Parenting Transcript Two years before my husband and I had our son, we decided to test our nurturing skills by getting a dog. Of course, now that I am a parent, and I realize how impossible it is to think […]

Verbally Advanced

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Koren Stembridge Air Date 3/4/2004 Verbally Advanced Transcript My son J.J. is verbally advanced. There, I said it. It has taken me a long time to come to terms with this fact – but it is true. He was not a particularly early talker, It’s just that when […]

Building Hope

Here's Koren Stembridge with the latest chapter from a new mother's field notes.

Another Gift for the Holidays

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 12/26/2001 Another Gift for the Holidays Transcript Along with its theme parks and sunny beaches, Florida is offering families across the nation something even more vital and important this year — an exemplary program for providing a comprehensive spectrum of information for parents, potential […]

Baby Photo Shoot

With Thanksgiving and the holiday season fast approaching, you might be thinking of having your young one's official portrait taken. Here's Koren Stembridge recalling her adventures at her baby's first photo shoot.

The Laugh Test

Koren Stembridge has been in the toy stores recently and has this report about the difficulties of finding just the right plaything for her very young child.

Dictionary and Internet Homework Sites

With school starting again, that means the homework and the Internet questions are back, too. Here's Koren Stembridge pulling down a few answers for us from cyberspace.

A New Mother’s Field Notes

Koren Stembridge has been on maternity leave for the past half year, but she's back now with some field notes from her adventures in new motherhood.

On Being Pregnant

Koren Stembridge isn't on the Internet today. Instead, she has some thoughts for us today on the laughing truth of expecting a baby.

A Web-Full of Baby Stuff

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Koren Stembridge Air Date 9/28/2000 A Web-full of Baby Stuff Transcript Here’s Koren Stembridge on the Internet with A Web-Full of Baby Stuff. It all started with an email message announcing the “birth” of the website for the mega baby chain “Babies R Us.” How they got our […]