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Good Grief the Leaf

New seasons mean change, but sometimes we just want to stay where we were. Barry Stewart Mann, the winner of this year's National Storyteller of the Year Contest, held in Columbus, Ohio over the Labor Day weekend, has a story about this. It's called "Good Grief, the Leaf."

Jonas Salk

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Shelley Fraser Mickle Air Date 10/28/1999 Jonas Salk Transcript Here is Shelley Fraser Mickle with a remembering for us. Today is Jonas Salk’s birthday. He would be eighty-five if he were still with us. His life and mine were interwoven, though we never met. On the day I […]

Pet Peeves

Today, in honor of Pet Peeve Week, Shelley Fraser Mickle tells us about a peeve that's stuck with her since childhood.