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Reykajavik: A Geographical Story

For all the scholars in your household, young and older, who have ever agonized over geography lessons, Barry Stewart Mann remembers how he learned to say the name of a particularly chilly island city.

Teen Read Week

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Shelley Fraser Mickle Air Date 10/15/2002 Teen Read Week Transcript My cousin Nettie said she knew her son George might get through school okay, but the way he was doing it was enough to give her sinking spells and liver chills. You see, George would never crack a […]

Good Manners? A Dad’s Dinner Lesson

Thank goodness that Good Manners Month is over, so that Barry Stewart Mann can tell this story.

Building Hope

Here's Koren Stembridge with the latest chapter from a new mother's field notes.

Clowning Around

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Shelley Fraser Mickle Air Date 8/6/2002 Clowning Around Transcript The summer before fifth grade, my friend Billy Tutwiler and I decided we wanted to be rich. We felt we were smart enough to start our own business, so we opened Clowns and Associates. We didn’t know what the […]


Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Shelley Fraser Mickle Air Date 7/2/2002 Elvis Transcript I was thirteen years old, living in Memphis, Tennessee, when Elvis let loose singing, “I’m All Shook Up.” Of course, it was a year before that when he sang “I’m nothing but a hound dog” that he really started shaking […]


Today, Shelley Fraser Mickle is remembering one of the pleasures of almost-summer: fireflies.


It's National Intuition Month, and I've got a hunch about what Shelley Fraser Mickle is remembering today.

Bo Bo and the Preacher

Today, Shelley Fraser Mickle is shedding a whole new light on National Pet Week. 

National Teacher Day

It's National Teacher Day today, and in honor of those dedicated educators who inspire our children and have deeply influenced each of us, Koren Stembridge is remembering the teacher who really made a difference in her life.