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Kind News

Author Seth Blazer
Air Date 9/21/2006

Kind News Transcript

“Why did the trash can go on a diet?” The answer: because “It wanted to reduce its waste!” This is just one of the many clever yet eco-friendly riddles that one might find in the award-winning publication Kind News. “What is Kind News?” you ask. Well, Kind News is a monthly newspaper read by more than a million children in thousands of classrooms nationwide, which is specifically designed to bolster awareness about the environment and to promote respect for animals and other people alike.

In fact, the word “kind” is actually an acronym that stands for “Kids in Nature’s Defense.” Founded by the National Association for Humane and Environmental Education, Kind News has acted as a classroom supplement: providing articles, short stories, activities, and environmental projects since 1983. For a nominal fee of 30 dollars, any humane agency, civic group, business, or parent can utilize Kind‘s Adopt a Classroom Program. The class of your choice will receive a copy of Kind News for each and every student as well as a teacher’s guide with worksheets and reproducibles, a calendar chock full of fun facts and tips, and Kind ID cards for each student so that they may join the Kind Newsteam.

Kids are encouraged to spread the word about conservation and kindness through proactive artistic expression. They may choose to create posters to hang around their school and neighborhood, draft an informative short story about the importance of their favorite animal’s habitat, or even write their very own article for Kind News. Kids are urged to take a grassroots approach to protecting our environment by organizing their very own clean up crews and ensuring that their households adopt a conservational attitude. Kind News is available in three different versions: Primary for grades K through second, Junior for grades three and four, and Senior for grades five and six. To learn more about Kind Newsor to find a humane agency in your neighborhood to adopt a classroom of your choice, visit



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