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Tag: Edward Lear

Edward Lear’s Book of Nonsense

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Kevin Shortsleeve Air Date 2/8/2007 Book of Nonsense Transcript One hundred and fifty-five years ago today, in London, at 26 Haymarket, the publisher Thomas McLean released a curious little book. It was entitled, The Book of Nonsense and the author, according to the cover, was a certain Derry Down Derry. […]

Limericks for St. Patrick’s Day

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Kevin Shortsleeve Air Date 3/17/2005 Limericks for St. Patrick’s Day Transcript “There was an old man who lived in Nantucket.” Now hold on, don’t worry. This isn’t what you think. I want to clear the name of that poor Old Man once and for all. The original Limerick, […]

T. S. Eliot

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Kevin Shortsleeve Air Date 9/23/2004 T. S. Eliot Transcript T. S. Eliot has been called “The greatest literary figure of the English-speaking world in the 20th Century.” He was the recipient of the 1948 Nobel Prize in Literature and his poem, The Waste Land, is widely considered the most […]

Walter de la Mare

Author Kevin Shortsleeve Air Date 4/25/2001 Walter de la Mare Transcript Walter De la Mare was born in England in 1873. He was raised in a Victorian landscape of childhood that presented a dichotomy of poetic views. On the one side, there were the irreverent and humorous authors like Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear, while […]

Edward Lear

You’re hearing part of Carly and Lucy Simon’s version of Edward Lear’s “The Owl and the Pussycat.”