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Tag: Environment


That's Thumper the Rabbit talking to Bambi's mother in the beautiful opening sequence of Walt Disney's 1942 film when all the gentle animals of the forest come to see the newborn deer.

Kind News

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Seth Blazer Air Date 9/21/2006 Kind News Transcript “Why did the trash can go on a diet?” The answer: because “It wanted to reduce its waste!” This is just one of the many clever yet eco-friendly riddles that one might find in the award-winning publication Kind News. “What […]

Curing “Nature Deficit Disorder”

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Linda Stanley Air Date 8/24/2006 Curing “Nature Deficit Disorder” Transcript In today’s fast-paced, hyper-technical world, many children suffer from what Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods , calls “nature deficit disorder.” Their exposure to nature is minimal and often comes from a visit to the neighborhood park […]

“Scrub Camp” – A Different Sense of Mastery

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Dave Reidy Air Date 6/29/2006 “Scrub Camp” – A Different Sense of Mastery Transcript In his essay “Boy Culture,” E. Anthony Rotundo cites examples of 19th-century boys tormenting woodchucks and maiming unoffending insects. Even urban boys would return to their city homes with trophies stuffed and mounted. Such […]

Earth Day Reflections

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Lola Haskins Air Date 4/20/2006 Earth Day Reflections Transcript Now I think all of us intellectually understand the need to set land aside for when we’re gone. But there’s a long term problem even so because, more and more, we see the out of doors as having nothing […]

Jack Johnson’s Three R’s

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Stephanie Sullivan Lytle Air Date 6/2/2005 Jack Johnson’s Three R’s Transcript Finding a real jack of all trades is indeed like finding a bird of paradise in Wisconsin. But you might not want to let Jack Johnson in on this, as he seamlessly flows between the trades of […]