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Tag: Fantasy

Nancy Yi Fan and Swordbird

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Linda Lamme Air Date 8/9/2007 Nancy Fan and Swordbird Transcript One of the more amazing stories to come out of our town, Gainesville, Florida, this past year is the publication of the first novel in a series by thirteen year old writer, Nancy Yi Fan (“FON”). The book […]

Making the Chronicles of Narnia

Fantasy fanatics–making their presence known at the box office–pelted theaters in droves to track down Middle Earth’s one ring, watch Darth Vader’s fall to the Dark Side, and enroll in Transfiguration 101 at Hogwarts.

The Other Wizard – of Earthsea

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 10/19/2005 The Other Wizard – of Earthsea Transcript Almost everything in children’s books these days still circles back to Harry Potter, especially with another movie based on the fourth of J. K. Rowling’s novels getting ready to open next month. Most teenagers are probably […]