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Tag: Frank Baum


Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 6/6/2001 Balloons Transcript Yesterday, in 1783, the Montgolfier brothers in France launched the first balloon into the air. It floated up a quarter of a mile, and was carried by the wind for a mile, and before it landed, ten minutes later, it had […]

Frank L. Baum

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 5/15/2000 Frank L. Baum Transcript It’s the real wizard of Oz’s birthday today. Born in 1856, L. Frank Baum was the frail son of well-to-do and indulgent parents who lived on an picture book, gentleman’s farm near Syracuse, New York. Growing up, Baum always […]

Oz on the Internet

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Koren Stembridge Air Date 3/23/2000 Oz on the Internet Transcript What you might not know is that it all started, 100 years ago, with a book. Penned by author Frank Baum, and published in 1900–The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was to become one of the best selling children’s […]