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Tag: Interview

Interview with R. A. Salvatore

Laurie Taylor interviews fantasy author R. A. Salvatore.

A Moment that Mattered with Elain Pagels

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 3/4/2003 A Moment that Mattered with Elain Pagels Transcript Today we are speaking with the noted biblical scholar, Elaine Pagels, the Harrington Spear Paine Professor of Religion at Princeton University. I asked Professor Pagels about the abiding importance of stories, for both adults and […]

The Egg Game

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Laurie Taylor Air Date 2/11/2003 The Egg Game Transcript We had a visit a few weeks ago from the Egg Man — no, not a poultryman or the character from the Beetles’ song, “I Am the Walrus,” but Erich Jonas, who’s invented something that he calls the Egg […]

Interview with Barbara Woodhouse

This past spring, the United Nations sponsored an international children's summit that was meant to address a number of the global problems that children are facing today. We spoke recently with Barbara Woodhouse about the summit.

Miss Jenia Jones

You’re hearing a very scratchy portion of the folksong, “Miss Jenia Jones,” from one of the first multi-media packages for children, the Bubble Book from 1918.

Books That Mattered: A Conversation with Martin Sandler

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 5/21/2002 A Conversation with Martin Sandler Transcript Continuing our series about children’s books that have mattered to people in their lives, we recently spoke with the Emmy-award-winning television producer and Horn Book Award-winning author, Martin Sandler about the books that have stayed with him. […]

Going Bananas with Shana

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Kevin Shortsleeve Air Date 5/1/2002 Going Bananas with Shana Transcript If you’ve not heard of Shana Banana yet, it might not be too long before your toddler tells you about her. Shana is a fresh new recruit in the world of children’s music, and the singer-songwriter has been […]

The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes

Recently, we spoke with Barbara Woodhouse, director of the University of Florida's Center for Children and the Law, about one of the most memorably books of her childhood, The Country Bunny.

An Interview with Joseph Bruchac

Today, we interview Joseph Bruchac, Native American storyteller – and author of more than seventy books for adults and children.

Nicole Dreiske and the Chicago Int. Children’s Film Festival

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 1/9/2002 Nicole Dreiske Transcript The 18th annual Chicago International Children’s Film Festival took place this past fall. The Festival lasts for nearly two weeks, and involves screenings of hundreds of films from around the world. We’ll be introducing you to some of these remarkable […]