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Tag: Interview

Peace Games

We're speaking today with Eric Dawson, who is the executive director of Peace Games, an innovative program that educates young people in schools in Boston and Cambridge, and soon throughout the country, about ways to seek peaceful resolutions to the conflicts they encounter throughout their lives.

Maple Sugar Thanksgiving

Last November, we heard a portion of a 1981 interview with Princess Redwing, which told about the first Thanksgiving from the Native American point of view. In this excerpt, the late Princess Redwing, who passed away a few years after this interview, explains about the first Thanksgiving of the year for the Native Americans of the northeast.

Singing the Blues with Mr. Johnnie Billington

We’re listening to a little of the closing day concert for a week-long workshop that Mr. Johnnie Billington, a Master Folk Artist from the Mississippi Delta, has been holding here at the University of Florida to teach middle-school students how to play the blues.

Brother Blue

As part of our ongoing exploration of how children's books matter throughout our lives, today we're speaking with Brother Blue, the internationally known storyteller, from his home in Cambridge, Massachusetts.