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Tag: John Cech

Money Cent$

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 4/22/2004 Money Cent$ Transcript It’s National Teach Your Children to Save Day, and in today’s market, that means moving to a much higher level than the traditional piggy bank. We adults know that we’re not saving enough, or investing as shrewdly as we should, […]

Hilda Conkling, Child Poet

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 4/19/2004 Hilda Conkling, Child Poet Transcript It’s National Poetry Month, and many young people around the country will probably be writing some kind of verse — from haikus to rap lyrics — some time this month. Perhaps the most famous of all child poets […]

Ancient Greek Childhood

That's Savina Yannatou with the Greek lullaby, "Nanourisma," from Ellipsis Arts' beautiful Mediterranean Lullaby CD.

Flower Fairy Alphabet

It's April, and the flowers are blossoming - the perfect time to pick up the Flower Fairy Alphabet CD.

The World’s Very Best Opera for Kids

That’s the soprano Lambroula Maria Pappas, singing one of the famous arias from Verdi’s Rigoletto, on a CD called The World’s Very Best Opera for Kids.


That’s Frank Neuhauser, the winner of the first National Spelling Bee, which was held in 1925.

Goodbye to the Captain

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 3/12/2004 Goodbye to the Captain Transcript In the wake of Bob Keeshan’s death in late January, one can’t help but think about, and mourn the loss of another gentling presence in our children’s lives: Captain Kangaroo. When Keeshan launched his now-famous program in the […]

Four Pictures by Emily Carr

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 3/8/2004 Four Pictures by Emily Carr Transcript March is Women’s History Month, and today is International Women’s Day, a holiday in many countries around the world. It should also be in ours, where the events took place, in 1857, that over a century later […]

After Teletubbies, There’s “Boohbah!”

That's part of the opening for Boohbah, the brand new television show for children that premiered earlier this year.

Peter and the Wolf

That’s the soprano Lambroula Maria Pappas, singing one of the famous arias from Verdi’s Rigoletto, on a CD called The World’s Very Best Opera for Kids.