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Tag: John Lennon

The Broadway Kids’ “Hey! Mr. D.J.”

That’s the Broadway Kids with John Lennon’s “Imagine” on a new collection, called “Hey Mr. DJ!”

John Lennon – Imagining

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Kevin Shortsleeve Air Date 10/9/2002 John Lennon – Imagining Transcript When John Lennon was 11 years old, he received a copy of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland as a birthday present. The surreal, nonsensical volume left a lasting impression on the young man. Lennon notes, “I was passionate about Alice in […]

Music for the Family and Peace

That’s the late Lennon with “Beautiful Boy” — his ode to his new-born son, Sean. It’s on a CD from Music for Little People called “A Celebration of Family.”