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Tag: Music

Road Trip: “Great Kids’ Songs”

You can go on the rest of that fishing trip with the incomparable Taj Mahal on a new CD collection from Music for Little People called 20 Great Kids Songs.

Little Yogi’s Daydream

That’s Wai Lana, the creator of a number of yoga CDs and DVDs for children and their parents. This soothing excerpt is from a CD called Little Yogi’s Daydream.

Satie and Dali

That’s the opening for Erik Satie’s first Gymnopidie for piano. It was a very experimental piece to have written at the time, during the late 1800s, though it was one of the tamer things that Monsieur Satie composed during his career at the front of the avant guard in France.

Harry and the Potters

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Cat Tosenberger Air Date 7/18/2007 Harry and the Potters Transcript The new Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie opened last weekend, but you won’t be hearing this “Phoenix Song” in the film. Brief Sound Clip: It’s from the CD, Harry and the Potters and the Power of Love, […]

Soothing Sounds for Baby

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Jaimy Mann Air Date 6/19/2007 Soothing Sounds for Baby Transcript My newborn, like most babies, calms when she hears the vacuum, but the music that stimulates her is by Raymond Scott. When she first heard this, at two weeks old, it was as if codes in the electronic […]

Daddies Sing Goodnight

That’s Townes van Zandt with a chorus from “Hey Willy Boy” — a song about the seasons that he wrote for his son, Will — from a CD called Daddies Sing Good Night.

“Spring Awakenings”

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 3/21/2007 Spring Awakenings Transcript Spring arrives today and, with it, all sorts of stirrings. One of them is a new production of an 1891 play by the German dramatist, Frank Wedekind. It’s called Spring Awakenings, and it’s about a group of teenagers who are coming […]

The Partridge Family

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author Kevin Shortsleeve Air Date 8/14/2006 The Partridge Family Transcript In April 1957, Ricky Nelson picked up a guitar on an episode of Ozzie and Harriet and began to sing rock and roll. Before long, Nelson was more pop star than television celebrity. For Hollywood, this was a lesson in cross-media […]

Maurice Sendak’s Legacy: Brundibar

Listen to the Recess! Clip Author John Cech Air Date 6/12/2006 Brundibar Transcript You’re hearing the moving lullaby from the children’s opera, Brundibar, which was written by Hans Krása in the late 1930s and performed fifty-five times in the Terezin concentration camp in 1943. It was sung by children who would soon perish in the […]

The Songs of the Pogo

Walt Kelly was one of the masters of American nonsense. His much loved, hilariously cryptic Pogo comic strip first appeared in 1949 and was in American papers even after Kelly’s death in 1973.